| Мова видання: українська Рік / місяць виходу видання: 2014 / Березень Назва та службова інформація: У англійському видавництві «Waterloo Press» (Лондон) вийшла друком книга лірики Ігоря Павлюка «A flight over the Black Sea» («Політ над Чорним морем»). Детальна анотація: On behalf of the editorial board of the Ukrainian magazine of world literature VSESVIT, may I draw your attention to the recently published (London, "Waterloo Press", 2014) poetry book of the Ukrainian poet Ihor Pavlyuk? Ihor is one of the most provoking "philosophical" poets in the new Euro-Maidan Ukraine. His "Flight Over the Black Sea" is a bright representation of the contemporary Ukrainian identity which combines the elements of the primitive powers from the old pagan times (Ihor is from Polissya, a remote Ukrainian zone in the north) and the contemporary cognitive forms. Now, Ukraine due to the Russian media propaganda is like a simulacrum on the world map but this book can help to understand the inner forms of the Ukrainian self-representation in the poetry text. More information about this book you can find here: http://www.waterloopress.co.uk/#/ihor-pavlyuk/4584096892 To order the book, please click: http://www.waterloopress.co.uk/#/translations/4555598865 Ihor Pavlyuk. A Flight Over the Black Sea. I do believe that you will enjoy this Ukraine. With all best wishes, Dmytro Drozdovskyi, PhD, managing editor-in-chief, Vsesvit magazine http://www.vsesvit-journal.com